“The supermarket represents the season of the world. The farmers market is the season of your world.”
–Deborah Madison, author and chef

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July Market Update

What a busy day we had Saturday!
Hungry people picking up food throughout the morning. PLUS, the local ABC affiliate channel 57 came and took a lot of footage and interviewed some of the vendors and customers and Donna, the magnificent Market Manager. It was on both the news broadcasts that evening! (look for link coming soon!)

Edie Sutton, nutritionist from Purdue Extension, had two great recipes made with corn and blueberries; one was a salad and one a dessert. They were wonderful!
Phil Sutton was kep busy with customers arriving toting bags of leaves, plants and branches for him to diagnose. It's a good thing that Purdue Extension comes every month! They are both a very handy resource.

Next week (7/23) Nickel and Dime acting troop will perform the play they have been working on. The curtain goes up at 10:00am for a 45 min. play called "The Ox Star". Directed by Margie Davis, it is a children's play about selfishness based on the Chinese fairytale about the Ox Star. It retells the legend of how the ox star bungled a message from the Emperor of All the Heavens and was punished by being sent to earth to become a beast of burden.

Also next week: great food and funa nd friendly conversations! Stop by for a bit of both!

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